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Live chat between you and your customer is the fastest way to generate happier, insightful and successful customers
Transform your support team into a revenue generator team by proactively offering support and information from high-intent and always-on team See who’s handling what, in real-time, so you can work together and move faster.
We will not monetize any customer data. Never monetizes data so that enterprises can rest assured. We pursue equal cooperation and long-term mutual benefits.
See every conversation and who’s handling what, in real-time Your customer-facing teams, now under the same roof. Automatically triage support and sales conversations and collaborate with full context to resolve customer issues quickly.
Enable sales and support teams to answer product or customer service questions using you customers’ preferred messaging app.
Use WhatsApp messaging to reliably send critical messages from your notifications systems to reminder/alerts messages.
Live chat between you and your customer is the fastest way to generate happier, insightful and successful customers
Transform your support team into a revenue generator team by proactively offering support and information from high-intent and always-on team See who’s handling what, in real-time, so you can work together and move faster.
We will not monetize any customer data. Never monetizes data so that enterprises can rest assured. We pursue equal cooperation and long-term mutual benefits.
Quick install • Free 7-day trial • Cancel at any time